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Planned Giving and Bequests
For many, leaving a bequest is the safest way to contribute a lasting legacy to their communities without leaving themselves at financial risk. We hope the information below can help explain the value and ease through which a planned bequest to Dementia Support Northwest can be arranged.
Why a bequest?
Your Gift Makes A Lasting Difference
Consider including Dementia Support Northwest in your Will, Trust or other Beneficiary Designation. In doing so, and without affecting your financial security, you can help ensure that the support services provided by Dementia Support Northwest will be available, far into the future.
Easy to Set Up Through Your Will, Trust or Beneficiary Designation
Bequests, also known as gifts through your Will, Trust or Beneficiary Designation, are also the most realistic way for many donors to leave a legacy for Dementia Support Northwest. Making a bequest is easy to do. Your attorney or financial advisor can include the necessary language in your Will, Trust, Retirement Account or Investment, and if you already have a Will, a quick phone call to your attorney is all it should take to add a charitable gift.
Sample Bequest Language
"I give, devise and bequeath [identify a specific sum of money or percentage] to Dementia Support Northwest aka Alzheimer Society of Washington, Federal Tax ID #91-1238368, 2950 New Market Street, #210, Bellingham, WA 98226, to be used for the benefit of Dementia Support Northwest, in such a manner as the Board of Directors may direct."
If you are considering a bequest but would like that it be used for a specific purpose, please let us know. We would be happy to work with you and your attorney or financial advisor to help you identify your charitable objectives.
To Learn More Contact:, your attorney, or financial advisor.
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